July 8, 2020

How Children Can Stay Safe, Part #3: Enhanced Hygiene

“Handwashing has always been the gold standard of illness prevention,” says Richard Peterson, Chief Academic Officer at Kiddie Academy® Educational Child Care. That’s why it’s the cornerstone of the Enhanced Hygiene principle of our Health Essentials initiative. We’ve increased our frequency and focus on handwashing procedures.

In recent posts, we’ve introduced you to the first two fundamental principles of Health Essentials, an expanded set of daily health and safety precautions based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines and current licensing regulations. The four principles upon which the initiative focuses are:

“Increasing the frequency and length of handwashing techniques will greatly reduce the chance of disease spread within an Academy,” Peterson says, echoing the CDC’s advice. “For handwashing to be effective, the children and staff must follow all steps below. Young children often skip steps, so it’s critical that handwashing be a supervised activity. In order to allow soap to properly remove germs, bacteria and viruses, hands should be washed for at least 20 seconds.”

Kiddie Academy health and safety

Children and staff are encouraged to wash their hands frequently throughout the day, in particular at these times:

Enhancing hygiene doesn’t merely stop and start with handwashing. The staff at each Kiddie Academy facility is also required to wear protective gloves for activities that include serving food, changing diapers, helping children in the bathroom or wiping noses. It also involves other commonly prescribed practices, such as covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, avoiding touching your face and staying home if you’re sick.

If you’d like more information about recommended hygienic procedures you can implement at home, here are some good resources:

In our next Health Essentials post, we’ll talk about what we’re doing to increase symptom monitoring. Until then, here’s where you can learn more about the Kiddie Academy Health Essentials initiative and download information about it.

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